How to Apply to Become A Certified Training Provider

Training Provider

By certifying an individual as a GoldSim Training Provider, GoldSim Technology Group (GTG) is providing some level of assurance to prospective customers that they will provide quality GoldSim training. Therefore, to become a Certified GoldSim Training Provider, the applicant must demonstrate to GTG an appropriate level of GoldSim expertise, the ability to provide effective GoldSim training, active participation in the GoldSim community, and familiarity with the latest version of GoldSim (in particular, the applicant must have an active Subscription).


Note that in order to apply, the applicant’s organization must already be a Certified GoldSim Solution Provider.

To apply, applicants should put together a short document with the following information:

  • The number of years that the applicant has actively used GoldSim.
  • A list and brief description of the major GoldSim applications that the applicant has personally carried out (these need not name specific clients and will remain confidential).
  • A model that the applicant has submitted to the Model Library.

In addition, the applicant must attend (at their expense) a GoldSim “Train the Trainer” course. The cost for this one-day course is $500. However, at the discretion of GTG, the requirement for the course may be waived (i.e., if GTG personnel are familiar enough with the applicant to feel confident that they meet our requirements).

This information should be sent to


If the applicant is approved, we will:

  • Grant the individual permission to display the Certified GoldSim Training Provider logo on their organization’s website.
  • Add the applicant to the list of Certified GoldSim Training Providers, along with a short description of the applicant to the GoldSim website.
  • Provide the applicant with GoldSim training material.
  • Provide free temporary training licenses to facilitate training sessions.

Annual Certification Renewal

Certification (and any benefits accruing to certification) has a one year duration. Once per year, the individual must become re-certified. On the anniversary date, the individual will be contacted, and asked to provide the following information:

  • A list and brief (one paragraph) description of the major GoldSim applications that they have personally carried out over the past year (these need not name specific clients and will remain confidential).
  • A list of training workshops that they have carried out over the past year.

Note that in order to be re-certified, the applicant’s organization must continue to be a Certified GoldSim Solution Provider.