Learning Resources


What's the Best Way to Learn to Use GoldSim?

Although GoldSim's intuitive interface will tempt you to simply dive in and start playing with the software, you are strongly discouraged from doing so, even if you are an experienced modeler. Spending time up front (by using the resources outlined below) is the quickest and most effective way to understand the software's features and capabilities and start building models in GoldSim:

  • The GoldSim Tutorial is available via a button on the Start dialog (displayed whenever GoldSim is run), or by selecting Tutorial from the Help menu. It is also available here. The GoldSim Tutorial presents the basic concepts on which GoldSim is based and provides an overview of GoldSim's key features and capabilities.
  • It is strongly recommended that everyone take advantage of our free online training Courses. These Courses are quite detailed, and any given Course will likely require up to a week to complete (if you work straight through).  However, the Courses are organized into Units and Lessons, so you can easily take them at your own pace. Note that these are “hands-on” Courses.  In each Course, we use almost 60 simple Exercises and Examples to help you learn how to use the software. 
  • If you have already purchased GoldSim (or if you are evaluating GoldSim in order to determine if you want to purchase the software), you are entitled to a free one hour, live web-based training session in which one of our analysts provides an interactive training session via the Internet and telephone. If you are interested in taking advantage of this training, contact us.
  • We also provide a variety of live training opportunites, such as customized on-site courses provided by GoldSim staff and other GoldSim experts.
  • When you install GoldSim, a number of simple example models are also installed (you can quickly access these files by selecting Open Example… from the File menu). These example model files are an excellent way to begin to experiment with GoldSim.
  • More detailed example models in the GoldSim Model Library provide an excellent way to learn GoldSim by looking at models built by others.
  • You can attend periodic free webinars that demonstrate GoldSim features and capabilities and specific applications. All webinars are recorded (and available in the GoldSim Help Center), and these provide an excellent resource for learning about GoldSim features and applications.
  • GoldSim takes great pride in our extensive user documentation. GoldSim comes with a detailed context-sensitive Help system. User Manuals (as PDFs) can be downloaded from this site (and are also installed with the software).  You can also order bound, printed manuals directly from Amazon (these are priced to simply cover printing costs, and this may be more cost-effective than printing the PDFs yourself).