Learning Resources

GoldSim Certified Training Providers

GoldSim Certified Training Providers

GoldSim Certified Training Providers are specific individuals within GoldSim Certified Solution Provider organizations who can also provide training services on how to use GoldSim.

The following individuals currently provide these services:

(You can apply to become a GoldSim Certified Training Provider here).

Alex Bond (Quintessa)

Alex Bond (Quintessa)

Alex Bond is a Principal Consultant at Quintessa Ltd and has over 15 years experience in understanding and modelling complex systems.  A geologist (MA) and hydrogeologist by training (MSc, PhD), Alex has worked to develop systems level models, and hence key understanding, of some of the most difficult radioactive waste management problems, as well as other related applications such as systems-level hydrological analysis.  Alex has provided training on GoldSim for nearly 10 years with a primary focus on the use of GoldSim to support waste management safety cases.

Nicholas Brink (Stantec)

Nicholas Brink (Stantec)

Nicholas (Nick) Brink is a Geotechnical Engineer with Stantec Consulting, Inc. and is based in Denver, Colorado. For the past ten years Nick has specialized in the mining and tailing industries and has constructed, maintained, calibrated, and reviewed dozens of GoldSim water balance models for some of the world’s largest mining operations. With a Masters in geotechnical engineering, Nick’s primary specialization is numerical modeling including seismic analyses and large-strain consolidation. Nick is a design engineer focusing on tailings dams and alternative tailing dewatering and storage technologies. Nick has applied GoldSim to many facets of tailings design including writing advanced material and water balances, evaluating alternative tailing dewatering and densification technologies, evaluating material flows and construction economics, as well as developing complex construction schedules in GoldSim.

Barry Carlson (Forte Dynamics)

Barry Carlson (Forte Dynamics)

Barry  is the President and Senior Engineer for Forte Dynamics, Inc. with over 28 years of experience in the mining and consulting industry. He has used GoldSim in the development of various numeric simulation models for understanding various stages of the mining process. He has utilized GoldSim primarily for the development of site-wide water balances, developing crushing and heap leach loading and stacking plans, evaluating hydrodynamics and kinetics with heap leach systems, financial evaluation of project feasibility, and site risk analysis.

Katie Catlett (Neptune and Company)

Katie Catlett (Neptune and Company)

Dr. Katie Catlett is an environmental modeler with Neptune and Company, who has been using GoldSim for over 20 years. Her background in mathematics (MS) and soil chemistry (PhD) led directly to GoldSim applications for contaminant transport and radioactive waste management. She has worked on a variety of complex models, which include components such as infiltration, diffusion, erosion and risk assessment.  Katie truly enjoys interacting with people and working on GoldSim applications ranging from simple models for a high school classroom to complex models in a variety of technical areas.

Brendan Fetter (Forte Dynamics)

Brendan Fetter (Forte Dynamics)

Brendan is a Principal Engineer with Forte Dynamics specializing in dynamic systems modeling related to water resources and the mining industry. He is a Mechanical and Civil Engineer who has completed various systems modeling projects including heap leach recovery, heap leach stacking, dynamic leaching, financial analyses, water balance modeling, and risk assessments for various clients. He uses GoldSim to integrate measured data into various models to help clients with understanding operational parameters to provide higher accuracy with forecasting and planning. Brendan also uses GoldSim as an optimization tool to perform financial analyses on various scenarios to better understand the sensitivity to inputs in complex systems.

Paul Haby (WSP)

Paul Haby (WSP)

Dr. Paul Haby is a Senior Water Resource Engineer with Golder Associates based in Golder’s Lakewood, Colorado office.  Paul specializes in developing dynamic water balance and water management simulation models that incorporate both hydrologic and geochemical components.  These models facilitate the analysis of complex, interdependent water management and water quality processes to support feasibility studies, environmental permitting, operations support, and site closure planning activities.  Paul began developing dynamic simulation models in 2001 and has been a daily user of GoldSim since 2010.  Paul has developed models that simulate water quality impacts to rivers from legacy mine sites, heap leach optimization and closure, enhanced evaporation systems, tailings storage facility water and material balances, stratified pit lake hydrology and water quality predictions, water treatment trade-off studies, and site-wide water and chemical mass balance models.

Alan Keizur (WSP)

Alan Keizur (WSP)

Alan is a Principal and Senior Consultant with Golder Associates specializing in risk and uncertainty analysis of complex natural and engineered systems and infrastructure projects. He is a Civil Engineer with over 18 years experience and has successfully completed projects in a variety of industries, including transportation, water resources, mining, environmental restoration, and waste management. He is a Professional Engineer in the State of Washington. Alan became actively involved in the application and development of GoldSim and precursor codes beginning in 1994 and was a member of the GoldSim Development Group prior to the founding of GTG in 2004.

Alyssa Seal (WSP)

Alyssa Seal (WSP)

Alyssa is a Senior Project Environmental Planner with Golder Associates specializing in water resources management and environmental planning. She has over 8 years of experience in water resources management and has developed GoldSim models to support decision-making in the water resources, mining, and oil and gas industries.

John Tauxe (Tauxian Solutions)

John Tauxe (Tauxian Solutions)

Dr. Tauxe has been a GoldSim programmer and user since its inception, having started on its predecessor, RIP. As a practitioner of environmental and water resources engineering, John has applied GoldSim to problems in environmental transport, water resources, epidemiology, and decision making.

Aaron Bandler (Neptune and Company)

Aaron Bandler (Neptune and Company)

Aaron is a hydrogeologist, who has used GoldSim on a variety of complex sitewide models, generally for radioactive waste management. These models implement numerous hydrological processes, including atmospheric, unsaturated, groundwater, and surface water. Aaron's sepcific area of expertise is implementing spatially-defined models (i.e. groundwater and surface water models) into the framework of GoldSim's Contaminant Transport module. He has led and assisted the development of various methods for coupling GoldSim to hydrological models, including through the GSPy module.